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Mediocrity is common and the price is low with no payoff.
Excellence is uncommon and the price is high but the payoff is so worth it.
Decide to become as good as you possibly can be.
Stay in indecision and you’ll stay stuck.
Hyperfocus on distraction and ignore intention and you’ll not succeed.
Hyperfocus on intention and you’ll find your successful purpose.
These paraphrased messages came from watching a YouTube video by Myron Golden titled ‘Don’t Let Distractions Destroy Your Destiny!’
There are so many great motivational speakers like Myron Golden out there on the web using videos, podcasts/audio, and the written word to get their message out to the general public.
We can spend days, weeks, months, or even years watching their material and doing very little with it to change our own lives. Why is this? Why do we watch and then ultimately do very little?
The action part seems to fizzle out, like a rope on fire that sets off with a blast of flames and then turns to ash in a matter of minutes.
Momentum needs a goal, you can watch all the motivational videos in the world, and still with no goal, you have nowhere to aim your energy.
A goal is an intention, you see a target and you aim for it with all your focus and drive. To keep going at this target you need to set achievable goals that can lead to your ultimate goal.
For example, you could decide you want to run a half marathon. So, you set yourself some small achievable goals, for example, ‘I will run 1 mile tomorrow morning’. You achieve this goal and wallah you’ve just hit your first target. Congratulations!
The next day, you decide, I will continue to run for 1 mile, and boom, you hit your second target. Congratulations! Already you are making progress toward running your half marathon.
This is what builds momentum because each time you achieve what you set out to do, you feel better and you’ve actually achieved something. Woo! Hoo!
Now, the key here is to keep going, to stay focused on yourself. Don’t get distracted by someone else say running 10 miles a day and compare yourself to that person, as this will only deflate you which is crazy because they are not you and this is your personal goal. What the heck do they have to do with it? Zero!
You are you, unique, and amazing, and have a totally different journey to experience here. You are feeling the power of achievement inside of you, you are gaining momentum and this will lead you onto great things for your own personal life.
That person you just compared yourself to had to start at the beginning just like you right now. Do not compare yourself to any other person but yourself, you want to build upon what you did yesterday and keep heading toward your goal.
Become a better version of yourself every day, not someone else. Please remember this and stay away from all the social media success hype, it’s just another distraction and you’ve got your own personal goal to achieve which is WAY MORE IMPORTANT.
Today, we are too busy wanting to get to the finish line way too fast. The joy is in the journey and once you reach your major goal, you’ll want to set another one to keep you growing and expanding in amazing ways.
We only get one life and it runs out pretty quickly, so don’t waste time wanting, as the title of this post goes, ‘Whatever your hands find to do, do it!’ Or in the case of the running example. ‘Whatever your feet find to do, do it!’ 🙂
Take action today in some small way and start the fire of momentum to drive you toward a purposeful destiny.
I am rooting for you! Go be the success you know inside you truly can be.
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