What is life all about?
I have spent years seeking to find the ultimate answer to the following question.
Why Are We Here?
I know we don’t know because no one has come back from death with an answer. We just end our physical form at this point.
Now, I have heard some say they have had past lives and they know of a life when they were completely different. They have all the memories of the previous life and it’s as if they can’t fully live their current new life now because those memories won’t go away. How strange to know you were once another person with a completely different story and family.
Does This Mean We Are Cyclical In Nature?

The seasons come and go, the day turns to night and so it seems only natural that we would follow the same pattern. We are born, we age, die and then in some way come back into form to be born once again. Do we all go back to being human though or is part of our transformation birthed into being a Tree or an Insect or a Rock?
Are We All Part Of The Oneness?
Some believe we are part of one big whole source that is constantly expanding and experiencing itself. We go in and out of this source just like the waves ripple back from the shore to the ocean again.
How To Seek The TRUTH?
There are so many theories out there about life and what it means to be human. We have religion, spirituality, science and more all giving us their answers but how do we find the Truth? I think the truth comes to light when you tune into your intuition. The part of you that has that gut instinct and knowingness when something is either right or wrong. It is when we start doubting or questioning this immediate reaction that things can get lost. Our minds are full of thoughts and once they start taking hold they cloud over our initial judgement.
What Are Thoughts?

Thoughts seem to have a life of their own. They come into the mind so randomly and make us act upon them or mull them over continuously until they either leave our mind or we resolve them in some way. We see visually and thoughts jump in to make assumptions and stories about what we are seeing. These thought forms are developed from our lived experiences and they glaze over the images we see.
If someone is blind they use other senses like touch, smell and sound to interpret their lived experiences. Thoughts attach themselves to our senses and pop up into our minds when we see, feel, hear or smell something that has already been experienced to remind us of what to do when this situation arises. Thoughts live in the memory bank of this world.
Where Are Memories Stored?

Some believe memories are in the brain but there is no evidence they are stored in this physical part. Are they in the heart or the gut which science has said are two other brains in the body? No, they are not stored in these areas either. It seems they are drawn in by our body through these organs in a way that is beyond our understanding.
We don’t know where memories are stored but we know they are stored because we keep recalling them. However, we don’t always recall them accurately and often embellish them to fit our beliefs.
What Are Beliefs?
Beliefs are thought forms we have over and over which we conclude are facts for us. To change a belief takes having a new lived experience to counteract the current belief which is held firmly in the mind. You can change a belief either through a physical happening or a mental change of perception. Beliefs can be changed in very unique ways for each individual and you can never know how or when this change will happen. It takes an open mind and a willingness to change core beliefs.
Where Does This Leave Us?
Yes, here we are having contemplated past lives, thoughts, memories, beliefs, truth and oneness. A miss mash of things all unseen, we can’t see the energy that lived in a past form on this planet or the thoughts in our heads. We can’t see the memories we pull in from some unknown plane. We can’t see beliefs or that internal knowingness of the truth or the whole big oneness many talk about but again it’s an omnipresent field of invisibility.
However, although we can’t see any of this we know it exists from our experiences. This is where the answers unfold when we live through each one. So in answering the question; Why are we here? You’ll have to wait until that moment when the answer will come and in the meantime, the best way to manage all of this is to live in the NOW. This is where all the action resides and where the magic of life reveals itself.