Yes, that is right comfort is not your friend. Comfort takes more than it actually gives to you. Let me explain.
Here are a few examples I can give where seeking comfort can put the blinders on your life.
Example 1
You decide to start getting up early to allow yourself more time to get things done.
You set your alarm and off it pings at 6:00 am. Instead of jumping out of bed, you choose the comfort of your warm sanctuary, and suddenly it’s 7:00 am and you’ve lost that extra hour you wanted to start your day in the right way.
Choosing comfort in this example was not your friend.
Example 2
You have a creative idea and need to execute it but instead, you choose the comfort of leaving the idea swimming around in your head and instead, you choose procrastination.
There you go, another day has gone because you chose the comfortable road and left the idea in your head without taking any action. Now you are left frustrated as the idea is still in your mind nagging you to bring it to life.
Example 3
You’re a solo entrepreneur and you have several receipts to input into your accounting software. Instead of keeping up-to-date with this task, you leave it as there are more enjoyable (comfortable) actions you’d rather take and so slowly over time, the days pass you by and now you have a huge pile of receipts to work through for your end-of-year accounting. What could have been a simple daily task has now turned into a mammoth task all because you chose comfort over productivity.

Are you getting where I am going here?
Life requires some discomfort for us to grow. Choosing comfort in all the above examples is preventing true growth.
We all have areas in our lives that could use our ability to stay in discomfort to get the important things done. However, if we keep choosing pleasant feelings over uncomfortable ones the results won’t be in our favour.
If you want to start making some improvements in this arena of your life then here are some questions to ask yourself.
What areas in your life are you choosing comfort over discomfort?
How are they preventing your growth?
How can you change them?
What steps are you willing to take beyond your comfort zone?
What prevents many of us from getting past discomfort starts in the mind. It’s that little voice that whispers things like, ‘Oh! don’t do that today, do it tomorrow, you’ve got plenty of time’.
How easy is it to agree with these statements? How easy is it to rationalise and let yourself off the hook? It’s so easy, right? ‘Yes’, you think I’ll do it tomorrow as today I want to watch this show or I want to relax instead. I want the pleasure of not doing over the discomfort of doing but in the long run, what feels most uncomfortable is not getting the things you know deep inside you want done. Each day you are allowing comfort to take away your goals and even worse your dreams.

Are you ready and willing to make a change?
Well, if you answered the questions above you now have the awareness and so you can choose to shake off comfort and say ‘No’, not today I will choose a little bit of discomfort because I know in the long run this is going to feel so great when I get the goal I set for myself done.
That’s it simple! You don’t need a long list of how to do this because that is just taking up your precious time. You know what you need to do, it’s a question of execution over non-execution. What are you going to choose?
Give that delayed voice in your head the heave-ho and take action to change your unique life today.
You can do it! I believe in you! Show yourself, so you can believe in yourself too!
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