Do you ever feel frustrated and unsure of what to do next? This is where I find myself right now. I’m sitting here, trying to write, but struggling to find the right words. What can I bring to the forefront of my life experiences that might help you, the reader, in some way? What can I say that will inspire or uplift your life? Is this even necessary? Sometimes, a good story is all that is required, and depending on where you are in your life right now, it may resonate or not.
🎄Christmas is a time of mass shopping, extensive preparations, and, for many, overwhelming stress. To me, this isn’t what the season should be about; I long for peace and the joy of having my family around me, happy and healthy. I know that for some people in this world who are in devastating environments of war, they worry about whether they will even see tomorrow and may have already lost loved ones. We are so fortunate to receive another day; each one is a gift, a chance to explore and experience what unfolds in its simplest forms. For those in war zones, it could be as simple as seeing a clear sky without the sound of bombing, knowing they have a loved one close by, or having access to water and food. I cannot predict the future, nor do I know if I will find myself in a similar position one day. All possibilities lie before us; as humanity, we are both part of the problem and part of the solution.
The ego, or the identity we have developed since childhood, has taken on a strong form. It often loses touch with the eternal self, which does not fear death because it cannot die. The eternal self is here for the experience, while the egoic self is here to survive. Each has a unique perspective on life’s experiences: one comes from love, the other from fear.
This clear division helps us understand which part we are currently inhabiting. Are you in fear right now, or are you at peace, loving your experience? No matter what you are going through, you can choose to view it through the lens of love or fear. I understand that this shift can be a monumental leap, depending on your circumstances, and I have deep empathy for the part of you that is terrified and merely trying to survive. I have experienced fear many times; I know it well. I know what it’s like to fear the future and to wonder if you will see another day. Conversely, I also know what it feels like to come from a place of love, to be at peace, and to trust in something far greater than myself to guide my life. Each part can flip-flop back and forth. One moment, you can feel happy, and then suddenly, you can feel sad. You can be courageous and terrified at the same time; you can love life and then hate it. The yin and yang, the black and white—this division feels so real. Yet the deep truth is that fear is the great magician.
The mind created the ego, weaving a great tapestry for us to navigate. We have computers, cars, clothing, and bodies adorned in all kinds of colours and styles. We witness bombs going off, fighting, and disharmony, alongside moments of harmony and calm. We experience sunsets and sunrises, storms and disasters. Life swings and turns, rumbles and swirls. It is like a great rollercoaster—real, thrilling, and sometimes so scary that we want to get off. It is a constant merry-go-round.
So, if I can impart just one thing through my writing today, it is this: don’t take it all too seriously, no matter how real it appears. Plug yourself back into the eternal life energy force and observe how it reshapes your reality. Trust that you are protected and loved; feel that love within yourself first, then expand it out into a world filled with a billion possibilities and see what begins to unfold. Keep trusting, keep believing, and hold love close to your heart, for love conquers all. We are all powerful beings who have forgotten who we are. The identity we take on masks the truth; we become the names and personas and forget that deep at our core is a light so bright it can skyrocket us to places beyond the limits of our minds. Surrender and remember who you are, and let the energy of your soul emerge. Find that peace within, for when we are calm like a snow globe that has been left unshaken, we can see clearly beyond the snow to the scene set before us. Then, with clarity, synchronicity ✨ follows—a nudge to move in a certain direction, and then we move, slowly but surely, with each step taken in trust, in the belief that all is well and all is guided.
Peace be with you all.
With love,
Janet đź’–