Unravelling emotions and facts to reveal the Truth

Relationship dynamics are one of the hardest areas to master. We have our internal concepts going on in our head, and then we present an external persona, which is often filtered before it hits the outside world.
Finding Authenticity Among Filters
This filtering process is where a lot of issues emerge because we can’t or we don’t feel we can express our true selves. The truth, as they say, hurts, and most compassionate people don’t want to cause harm to others. However, not expressing our truth ends up harming ourselves in the long run, so how the heck do we move forward?
‘The Truth Will Set You Free.’
–KJB – John 8:31-32
Yes, it does for the person releasing it, but often not for the person receiving it, unless they are open to the gift it will bring.
Embracing Authenticity
We know when someone isn’t being authentic because it speaks to that deeper part within ourselves. The truth is clear like a diamond and not stained by the murky waters of our emotions, which come from the internal stories, ideas, and beliefs we have built up over time.
All these beliefs (which are just stories repeated over and over again) have rooted themselves in the soil of our personal experiences, and they are now preventing us from seeing reality. We can’t see what is real anymore because it’s covered by the weeds that have grown up from our belief systems.
What once was a beautiful meadow is now an overgrown forest of chaotic thinking, feeling, and seeing. Our senses are trapped between reality and illusion.
Unveiling the Truth: The Power of Love

To unveil the truth, you have to drop into love. As the author Byron Katie reveals in her work called ironically ‘The Work,’ you have to ‘Love what is.’ If you’ve not read her book, ‘Loving what is,’ then I highly recommend it.
Love has always been the antidote to fear because fear is ultimately an illusion of the mind. Love brings the truth in and all its wisdom to the forefront of our minds. When we see through the eyes of love, we see no problems, no issues, no things we have to change, we just love what is standing before us. Like a child looks at the world as this magnificent and magical place of awe and wonder.
I can hear many skeptics saying, ‘How ridiculous, we can’t just love and all will be well.’ However, if we really dropped into compassion and beyond our ego constructs, at the core of who we truly are is love. We are united with all and in connection with our universe, which supports our lives. Just as I wrote about in my post: The Tree of Life, the trees support us in a symbiotic relationship, and so we are necessary for their growth and vice versa. We can’t live without each other, and the sooner we get to understanding and moving away from the mind into the heart, our survival will always be threatened.
Healing Suffering: The Path to Harmony

It is no surprise today that wars are on the increase, division is on the increase, and dis-ease is on the increase. We are divided in mind, body, and soul. We have lost our way, and often it takes a total collapse before things can come back together. Like addictions, you have to hit rock bottom in many cases as detailed in my post: ‘Disease or Choice?’
We are one and not in the woo-woo sense, but in fact in truth. We need each other to survive, to live in harmony, and to thrive. My hope is that the upcoming shift is going to be a shift in consciousness and not a shift in the earth having to alter its course because humanity has just gone rogue.
Do your best every day to heal your suffering, and in turn, you are healing more than just yourself. Our relationships are key to bringing peace to this world, and I hope you find your heart-centered self amongst the weeds of your belief systems.
Wishing you all a peaceful and happy life.
Thanks for reading!