Whether it be a love, personal, or business relationship, how we connect plays an important part in this dynamic.
There are so many angles we can come from when we connect with others. We can be loving, hostile, compassionate, angry, sad, and on and on it goes. We always have a choice at any given moment once we become conscious of how we are conveying our inward experience.
Yes, everything starts from within, it usually starts with a thought which then becomes a thing and results in an outcome. How many times have you thought about past experiences in your life where you wished you’d acted differently? Now, you can’t alter what has been done, but you can learn from the experience and choose a different path.
Plus, depending on who you are dealing with and how you perceive them can alter the way you choose to connect with them. This understanding can be powerful when you get to the root of all your relationships and see why you act as you do around specific individuals.
Most of us are living unconscious of the triggers that reside inside of us. We often believe they are coming from the man, woman, or child we are dealing with. Instead of taking a closer look inside ourselves, we project our emotions onto others.
If someone is making you angry ask yourself. What is it in them that is making the fire of anger rise up inside of me? The same could be asked of someone you feel happy and content with. What is it in them that makes you feel so happy?
When you have all the answers, you can uncover a lot about yourself and then go deeper. You can become the observer of yourself during your connections with others. You can become curious as to how the world inside of you feels during your interactions. This requires a calm and peaceful way of operating in the world. The polar opposite of what we are currently experiencing, as everything is moving so fast in this increasingly digital era. Most of us are checking our phones daily, going on social media, and giving our brains dopamine hits of pleasure from these little shots of awe.
As the world speeds up we really need to slow down to catch ourselves from falling prey to our emotions. When we live unconsciously we don’t see the legacy we are leaving behind. This now, now, now mentality is missing so much joy, peace, and harmony that is available within our natural world.

Our planet, also known as Mother Earth or Gaia is our life force energy and many of us are neglecting it. We are neglecting our brothers and sisters too. Connection is everything in this world, it’s how the natural world operates from the singing of birds to the buzzing of bees. Life has a symbiotic relationship and when you slow down, become present and feel everything a great awakening can occur. You can see your fellow man or woman as a mirror of what is going on inside of you. They are your greatest teachers and can bring new insights into your life, should you choose to learn from all your interactions.
Why not spend a day giving yourself the gift of curiosity and not reaction? Don’t immediately react to those around you, take a breath and almost flow with life. Become a curious observer of the world, like an alien that has just landed on this planet. Remove all the labels and judgments you have about those you share your time with. See them as completely new and shiny beings. Allow the world to unfold before your very eyes.

Like a sunrise and a sunset, everyone is different and amazing to witness. I would love for you to witness this in yourself and others for just one day and see how it might transform your life and your relationships.